Sunday, April 15, 2012

Just Dance!

The grade 5 and 6 students enjoyed an Incursion with Jacqui from Dance Dynamics where they learnt how to do some Hip Hop moves.  The students enjoyed the experience.   

In their words…

“It was wonderful, great, awesome, cool, wicked!” (Lucy)

“The incursion was very fun and there was a good choice of music and dancing technique.” (Torbin)

“I thought it was really fun.  I learnt how to isolate my head.  It was very tiring but in a fun way.” (Jake)

“I enjoyed doing the Hip Hop dancing.  It was a lot of fun and something different.” (Rachael)

“The Hip Hop was a great experience.  We learnt heaps of new dance moves like step to the side and back step.  We did a warm up and Jacqui taught us a routine.” (Nicolas and Josh)

 “Jacqui was very talented, funny and took things one at a time.  The dance routine was fast, fun and complicated.  The class looked like it was on stage.  The class, afterwards, were hot and overjoyed.  I would love to have Jacqui come again to teach us a different dance routine!!” (Maya)


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