Sunday, April 15, 2012

Australian Impressionist Pictures!

The Grade 5 and 6 students have been learning about Australian Impressionist Artists and their paintings.  True to the style of the work the students created their pictures out in the open air and drew directly from the environment in the Box Hill area.  They used water coloured pencils and added water to their pictures to blend some colours, creating a paint like effect. 

What amazing talent we have here at Kerrimuir!

Tessellating Patterns

The Grade Two, Three and Four students have made some lovely tessellating pattern pictures.  They started with a permanent marker and created a tessellating pattern covering the page.  Students finished these off by using pot paints to colour in their pattern.  The results are fantastic!

Animal Paint Creations

The students have also created an animal with paint using only their hands and some tools (no brushes).  These were created on a background the students previously created with sponges. They look spectacular!  Who would have thought you could create such beautiful, detailed images with paint without using a paint brush!


Imaginary Creatures!

The Prep and Grade One students have made some Imaginary Creatures!  To start the students used their hands and a range of art tools such as cardboard pieces, forks, rollers and sponges (no brushes) with paint to create some patterns on paper.  This experimenting included learning about mixing primary colours to make secondary colours and adding white to create different colours.   

Once these dried, the students chose a section they liked and ripped out a small part which was to be the body and starting point for their creature.  Once this was pasted on a white sheet of paper the students used a grey lead pencil to draw the rest of their creature using a range of lines, shapes and patterns. When they had finished the students came up with a name for their creature.  Some very creative work!


The Prep and Grade One students sang “A Whole New World,” from Aladdin at assembly at the end of Term 1.  They sang beautifully and remembered all the actions.  They have been working on this song most of the Term in Performing Arts and it was great to see their hard work paying off.    
What a great achievement!  


Grade Two, Three and Four students have been having a wonderful time in Performing Arts.

 They have learnt some new drama games like “The Machine and “Charades.”

They learnt the song “You’ll Be In My Heart” from Disney’s Tarzan and some cool chants such as “Boom Chicka Boom” and “Go Bananas.”

They were taught some “80’s Rock” and “Hop Hop” dancing and played a range of different rhythms using some musical instruments .