Monday, November 26, 2012

Performing Arts Soirée

On Thursday night Kerrimuir Primary School held a Performing Arts Soirée in the multi-purpose room.   There was a wide variety of entertainment from Anthony’s music groups playing a range of different instruments to solo performances with students on violins, the piano, drums and saxophone.  The night finished off with two songs by the school choir.




The gold coin donations raised $86.80 for the school music program.
It was a great success with many families and friends coming along and showing their support for the talented students we have here at Kerrimuir. 
Thank you to all those people who helped make the night possible and for those who came along to support the students in their performances.


Monday, November 5, 2012

 Kerrimuir School Choir
On Friday October 26th the Kerrimuir School Choir sang at assembly and then on Saturday morning October 27th they sang at the Spring Fair at St Peter's Anglican Church. 
The students performed six songs including “Splish Splash,” “Why We Sing,” “Tomorrow,” “Put On A Happy Face,” “Blue Moon/Do You Wanna Dance” and “Absolutely Everybody.”

They sang beautifully and with great enthusiasm.  It was lovely to see so many teachers and families come along to support them.

Kerrimuir Primary School Art Show!  


What a talented group of students we have here at Kerrimuir!  


During week 3 the students from Prep through to Grade 6 had their artwork displayed at a Kerrimuir Primary Art Show.  The Show opened on Tuesday night with a good crowd of parents and students and stayed open on Wednesday and Thursday for classes to come through.   

On Thursday we were fortunate enough to have the local Leader Newspaper photographer come and take a photo of some of the students.  The story should be in this week’s paper.


Here is what some of the parents and students had to say:

“What a Wonderful Art Show!”

“A great display of the children’s drawings.  Well done.”

“ I think every student in Kerrimuir is very talented.”

“This is a fabulous set up.  All the paintings and things are beautiful.”

"It is great to have an opportunity to see these creative pieces of art on display.”


I would like to say a big thank you to all of those who helped make the show possible; the students for their wonderful work; the Grade Five and Six students who assisted with packing up the display; Cherie Hicks for helping me organise the event, including the raffle; Louise McPhee, Shelly Cutter, Anne Italiano and Fiona Roberts for helping set up the displays and Michael McLean, Marc McPhee and Brett McPhee for helping move the display boards.   

Another thank you also goes out to those talented parents who donated some of their artwork for the raffle: Amy Robinson, Julia Weston and Cherie Hicks. 

The $117.40 raised through the raffle will go towards the Art program at Kerrimuir.