Monday, July 16, 2012

Stencil Rubbings

The Grade Five and Six students have made birds out of pieces of cardboard.  Once they created their bird they made a rubbing on different types of paper using rubbing crayons, including metallic ones.  Many students have also been able to complete a reflection sheet about their work.   
Well done!

Life on Earth Picture Weaving

The Grade Two, Three and Four students have been doing some picture weaving.  Starting with a picture of something to do with ‘Life on Earth,’ they cut slits in the picture and wove through coloured strips of paper.  They finished by mounting the pictures on cover paper. The students have worked hard on these.  
Great Effort!

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Patterned Snakes

The Prep and Grade One students have made patterned snakes out of cardboard.  The students had lots of fun creating different patterns, shapes and colours on their snakes.