Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Watercolour Paintings!

The Grade Five and Six students have made some beautiful pictures of Sunsets and/or Seascapes using watercolour paints on special watercolour paper.  First the students experimented in their workbooks and then created their final picture. They finished the pictures off by mounting them on some coloured cover paper.   

The results are fantastic!  

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Stained Glass Windows

Some of the Grade Two, Three and Four students have made some stained glass windows by cutting patterns out of black paper and covering the holes with cellophane.  They look beautiful hanging in the Art room.

Rubbing Pictures

The Prep and Grade One students started by making rubbings of a range of different items including leaves, bark, coins, stones, corrugated cardboard, paper clips and paddle pop sticks.  Their first sheet was for experimenting  and on their second sheet they used the rubbings to create a picture.  The following week the students cut out the rubbings from their experiment sheet and created some sort of picture arranging the different cut outs on their page.  Some students painted over their picture with coloured food dye. 
They look great!

Monday, May 21, 2012

Salsa Dancing!

The Grade Five and Six students have been learning some Salsa dancing including steps such as Basic, Cucaracha, Toe Heel Toe Heel, Spin and Suzy Q. They began by learning these solo and then had a go dancing Salsa with a partner.  It was great to see the students enjoying themselves.

Drama Performances

The Grade Two, Three and Four students were put in groups and given some scenarios and each group performed a short piece about their scenario for the rest of the class. These included topics such as : At the Park, At the supermarket and At the beach. They were very creative with their ideas and acting.