Sunday, October 17, 2010

Well done & thank you!!

To all the wonderful performers at the Creative Arts Night, held in the last week of Term 3 -
Puppeteers from 4J - Zach, Ojas, Jake and Deji for their puppet play “Avatar – The Last Airbender”. (See picture left)

Puppeteers from 3/4C – Jordy, Jade and Jamie (in Tom’s absence) for their play “Super Mario Galaxy”.

Puppeteers from 3V – Georgia, Jannice, Charlotte for their play “Sparkles’ bow goes missing”.

Singers       Leah Deutsch & Lisa Jaunalksnis  (gr 5)
                   Sara Davis & Phoebe Orr (gr 5)
                   Julian Dods (grade 6)
                   Senior Choir

Musicians   Nana Shintani (gr 4) on piano
                    Wilson Deng (gr 5) on piano
          Maya Weston (gr 3) on keyboard
Amy Moore (gr 5) & Olivia Respini (gr 4) on guitars
Samantha Chin (gr 6) on piano
Amy Cutter (gr 3) on piano

It was wonderful to see so much talent and confidence among our grade 3-6 students. Well done everyone and thank you to all those families who came along to support them. Special thanks also go to Mat Chaffer for being our MC, Adele Pasquini for organising food and drink, as well as Amy Robinson for her donations toward the art prizes and her own art for display.
The entire show was a great success, thanks to Mary-Lin Litchfield and plenty of hard work by all our talented students. Don’t forget to check out the Art blog for pictures of the visual art work.