Sunday, October 17, 2010

Well done & thank you!!

To all the wonderful performers at the Creative Arts Night, held in the last week of Term 3 -
Puppeteers from 4J - Zach, Ojas, Jake and Deji for their puppet play “Avatar – The Last Airbender”. (See picture left)

Puppeteers from 3/4C – Jordy, Jade and Jamie (in Tom’s absence) for their play “Super Mario Galaxy”.

Puppeteers from 3V – Georgia, Jannice, Charlotte for their play “Sparkles’ bow goes missing”.

Singers       Leah Deutsch & Lisa Jaunalksnis  (gr 5)
                   Sara Davis & Phoebe Orr (gr 5)
                   Julian Dods (grade 6)
                   Senior Choir

Musicians   Nana Shintani (gr 4) on piano
                    Wilson Deng (gr 5) on piano
          Maya Weston (gr 3) on keyboard
Amy Moore (gr 5) & Olivia Respini (gr 4) on guitars
Samantha Chin (gr 6) on piano
Amy Cutter (gr 3) on piano

It was wonderful to see so much talent and confidence among our grade 3-6 students. Well done everyone and thank you to all those families who came along to support them. Special thanks also go to Mat Chaffer for being our MC, Adele Pasquini for organising food and drink, as well as Amy Robinson for her donations toward the art prizes and her own art for display.
The entire show was a great success, thanks to Mary-Lin Litchfield and plenty of hard work by all our talented students. Don’t forget to check out the Art blog for pictures of the visual art work. 

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Oxfam Music Festival - 26th August 2010

On a cold Thursday night, our Senior Choir performed two songs at the Oxfam Music Festival, held at Blackburn High School.

The girls did a great job! They sang 'My Little Boat' and 'Bring it all back'. It was the largest audience they have performed for this year.

Thanks to all the parents, siblings and friends that came along to support the choir. It was also an opportunity to see what other schools do in their performances. Six primary schools performed on the night.
Oxfam is a great charity to support, so don't miss out on seeing some great performances in October, when there are another five concerts with different schools performing.

Apart from singing, there were also instrumental pieces and even a rock band!

Well done to all the girls that participated from Kerrimuir.

Some talented musicians ...

In the Music Room we sometimes have time for students to play on the piano or guitar. It's wonderful to hear how everyone is going with their instrumental lessons or what they like to play.

Here is a picture of some guitarists from P/1K - Luca, Che, Jamie and Lucas.

 We try to be good audience members as well as musicians, to show our appreciation. Well done everyone.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Kerrimuir is going to have an exciting new show!!

In the last week of term 3 there will be a SHOWCASE of creative work
displayed and performed by the kids of Kerrimuir!

There will be visual art by all students displayed in the Multi-Purpose Room, as well as instrumental, singing and puppet performances on the stage.

The Creative Arts Showcase!

Tuesday 14th September
6.30pm to 8.00pm

(performances from 6.45pm to 7.15pm)


Wednesday 15th September
9.30am to 3.45pm

(for the visual art show only)

** Gold coin entry **

There will be a raffle and door prizes on the opening night, 
so we need donations of small art items please!

Volunteers are also needed for attending the door/selling tickets/assisting with 
putting up and dismantling the visual art displays. 
If you can help, please let the music or art teacher know or leave a message at the office.
Donations can be left in the Music Room (please label clearly).

**Calling all musicians and performers from grades 3-6!!!!**
Auditions will begin this week on Thursday 12th August
in the Music Room at lunchtime.

Please write your name down on the list on the door.

Hope to see you all at the Showcase!!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Choir & Preps perform at assembly

On Friday 25th June the Choir and Preps performed together two songs - 'The Aardvark' and 'Hippy Hippy Shake'. The preps proudly used their own shakers which they had made in Music class.

We even had some teachers up dancing to 'Hippy Hippy Shake'!! (See below.) It was great fun.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Our talented students from 2009

We have so many talented musicians at Kerrimuir and most of them love to perform for their classmates. Here is Memphis on the guitar, Maya on the piano and 2F playing percussion instruments ...

Looking back at 2009 ...

It is only Week 3 of Term 1 and so we are all still settling into our new classes and getting into a new music program. So, let's look back at a few events from 2009 at Kerrimuir ...

The senior choir visited Bunnings in Box Hill to sing a few songs! It was a little strange singing among the shoppers with their bits of wood and bags of compost, but we got the hang of it and enjoyed ourselves.

(*Note to self: We need a banner or sign for next time ...)

Lots of friends and family came along to see the entertaining girls and their music teacher with toddler attached. Thanks for your support!

Welcome to the Kerrimuir Music Room blog!